How Do Braces Work To Straighten Your Teeth? - Colorado Springs - Health services, beauty services, Colorado Springs - 2824448


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How Do Braces Work To Straighten Your Teeth? - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2824448 Updated: 03-10-2019 06:28

Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, Colorado, Colorado Springs

At orthodontic Experts of Colorado, one of the frequently asked questions is How do braces work? Here you will get the answer to your question how do braces work. Your braces do a lot more than just aligning your teeth. Through a process called bone remodeling our orthodontists apply constant, gentle pressure against your teeth that actually encourages your bones to adapt and hold your teeth in their new positions for the rest of your life. Once the process is in place, it may take about three months to grow new bone, and then 1-3 years to fully stabilize. At Orthodontic Experts of Colorado, we discourage chewing hard candy and gum (unless it’s sugar-free gum), and encourage eating some foods in smaller bites, like slicing an apple instead of biting into it directly. If you think you or your family member are ready to talk about orthodontic treatment or still have any question about how do braces work, contact us today for a free consultation.

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